How Habits of Thoughts Become Beliefs

Are you curious about how your habits of thoughts are impacting your business? In this episode, Andrea and Michelle will show you how to identify and shift those habits of thought from ones that harm your progress to ones that help it. Discover the blind spots that could be holding you back and learn how to create lasting changes in your thinking that will bring success. With this knowledge, you can break any mental barrier and achieve real growth in your business!


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Expand Your Leadership Skills.

Are Your Habits of Thought Hurting Your Company?

Have you ever found yourself caught up in a certain line of thinking? Ending with the same results and conclusions over and over again?

Our Thought Habits are ingrained in our brains through constant repetition, and sometimes they can be limiting. How can we break free from these spirals and open our minds to new perspectives?

In this episode of The Leadership Hustle, we dive deep into these Habits of repetition to learn where do they come from and why they can be harmful to your business; but most importantly, we learn how to break free from them and start perspective-taking to get better results and build a stronger team.

Habits and beliefs

As we stated before, your own habits of thoughts can and will limit your business success, but before revealing what we can do to set us free, we need to understand where they come from.

A person can have up to 56 thousand thoughts a day; Crazy, right? So it's only normal to have one thought more than once. By repeating an idea again and again over the days, we make not only a habit but a belief.

Of course, we all have belief systems, but as business leaders, we can be so set in our ways and everyday thoughts to the point of not realizing that we might be harming our company.

Consider this scenario: a business person feels that he needs to be more strict with his team to increase sales, so he implements this method in his workspace for months without asking for any advice. Soon he doesn´t even realize that he is being strict with everybody, not just the sales team but his clients, peers, and other departments.

He has made his way of thinking a habit, which later will become a belief. Others might disagree with his method and have thought of a better solution, but since he never got other perspectives on the matter, he doesn´t even know.

How Do Thought Habits Harm My Business?

Lets make something clear: Having thoughts and beliefs in business isn´t bad. We all need to have our own opinions and have our own ideas; that makes us who we are. However, being too set in our ways and not listening to others' intakes can be limiting.

By only considering what we think and keeping harmful habits alive, we are telling our team that their ideas do not matter because, at the end of the day, we are taking action without considering any other advice.

We need to take into account other perspectives to avoid getting stuck in the same place and repeating the same mistakes. By following these recommendations, you can break the habit pattern.

How To Break Our Habits:

The best way to keep our thoughts realistic and to improve our company's beliefs is by perspective taking and asking other points of view.

Value your team's words and efforts. Really listen to what people in your team have to say and consider it. Hearing them without actually thinking and processing what they say makes their words empty and useless.

Ask for others' takes on situations. They might find undetected problems, have different ways of thinking, or see details you miss.

If given a chance, your team will come up with effective solutions. Also, learn from everyone on your team, be curious about what people bring to the table and what they believe in, and Incorporate it into your everyday problem-solving.

Another effective way to break a habit of thought is to argue the opposite of what we think. This may sound counterintuitive, but by playing devil's advocate, we can challenge our own assumptions.

Research other cultures or companies and try to understand where they come from. This will open your mind to new solutions you would otherwise have missed.

You can even keep a journal where you can write down all your thoughts and habits daily; this will help you track your process and see the change in your mindset. You will be amazed to see how differently you can think just in a few weeks.

Remember to be active in your company, attends all the events, know all the areas, and understand their processes and procedures. Having a complete company vision will help you better understand their skills and perspectives.

Be A Great Boss

When you consider other ways of thinking in your everyday business life, you are not only breaking your harmful habits and opening your minds; You are also becoming a fantastic boss.

People like to be considerate and listened to; this creates a stronger team that can easily speak out and bring new value to the conversation. It's your job to create a space where your team can bring new perspectives without having harmful thoughts or habits limit your work.

About the Hosts

Andrea Fredrickson

Andrea Fredrickson is a thought leader and consultant at Revela, an organization based in Omaha, Nebraska specializing in the development of leaders, culture alignment, and business strategy for private and family businesses of all sizes. Revela is one of the region's most experienced thought challengers, helping individuals and companies find their greatness. Andrea has built an amazing team by believing that fundamentally people want to be successful and become better versions of themselves.  

  • Andrea has degrees in education, management, and business. She is the author of Insight Unseen; How to lead with 20/20 business vision. She helps people see things differently, self-reflect, and never stop looking for ways to improve themselves on a personal and professional level. Andrea has spent more than 30 years researching and developing methods to help people communicate and lead more effectively.  

    When Andrea isn’t working with clients, you’ll find her spending time with her family & friends and making memories by exploring new cities.   


Michelle Hill

Michelle Hill is a master facilitator and coach at Revela, an organization specializing in the development of leaders and aligning the culture of privately held and family businesses of all sizes. Revela is one of the region's most experienced thought challengers, helping individuals and companies find their greatness. 

  • An ambitious leader, Michelle has the natural ability to create forward momentum to build teams and get results. She inspires others to look within themselves and to challenge the status quo. She helps create high-performing environments. Michelle brings a diverse background: operations, employee development, and sales in the steel, hospitality, and consulting industries. 

    Outside of work, you will see her competitive side engaged in her daughter’s sports and ISU athletics. She loves life, her four-legged companions, and captures all the moments through her camera’s lens. 


Andrea Frederickson: Are your habits hurting or helping? In this episode, you'll learn to identify your blind spots so you don't become stagnant. Hello and welcome to the Leadership hustle for executives whose companies are growing fast and need leaders who are ready. Welcome to the next episode of The Leadership Hustle, a podcast for executives whose companies are growing fast and need leaders who are ready. I'm your host, Andrea Fredrickson, and I'm here with my co-host, Michelle Hill. Hello. And today, we are going to work through the topic of habits and beliefs and things that go through our mind that we don't even realize that are making an impact on the people around us.